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Ten-I - 2 Works by Yamamoto Hozan

Ten-I - 2 Works by Yamamoto Hozan

山本 邦山
RCA - JRZ-2554

トラック番号 タイトル 漢字 長さ アーティスト
1  Play Button Kiri no Hibiki 13'15 箏: 桜井雅詩盈
箏: 高畑 雅紫登
箏: 川島 雅楽慧
箏: 徳本雅亮
箏: 奥野 雅菖
箏: 関谷 雅楽布
箏: 角井雅楽
箏: 西村 雅楽佳
This suite was composed for Koto ensemble "Toh-in-kai'; a group of graduates from music academy "Seiha Ongakuin" and named after the group. ("Toh" means "Kiri ", a paulownia.) All pieces were composed in minor scale and in traditional style with modern rhythm.
2  Play Button Ame (Yamamoto) 07'52 尺八: 山本 邦山
箏: 唯是 震一
This is one of his earl y works. "Ame" means rain in Japanese. Inspired by tone of raindrops, he composed this piece, when he was depressed in mind after a long spell of rainy weather.
3  Play Button Kotobuki - 1st Movement 寿 - 1st Movement 09'03 箏: 徳本雅亮
箏: 小堀雅楽芳
箏: 奥野 雅菖
箏: 赤嶺雅仁志
箏: 関谷 雅楽布
箏: 川島 雅楽慧
箏: 高畑 雅紫登
箏: 西村 雅楽佳
箏: 桜井雅詩盈
箏: 角井雅楽
This is three parts ensemble for Koto and 17-stringed Koto. consisting of two movements.
4  Play Button Ichikotsu 1st Movement 壱越 - 第一楽章 10'17 尺八: 山本 邦山
箏: 沢井 忠夫
This duo for Shakuhachi and Koto is a full-scale work consisting of three movements the 1st high, the 2nd low, and the
3 rd high tempo. All movements were based on D, and composed in classical style. "Ichi-kotu" is a name of scale equivalent to D, and is one of his laborious works.